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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/12/06

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Richard Steves, Chair, Bruce Bartels, Pam White, Russell Maloney, David Flanders, Pam Goff, Ray Kellman, Rusty Walton, Conservation Officer and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending:  George Sourati, Louis Dimovich, Robert Norton, Ellen Kaplan, Trish and Ella Keohane, Richard Osnoss, Susan Parker, Susan Puciul, and Doug Reece.
MINUTES:  The meeting minutes approval for 3/15/06 were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes with a minor correction was made, seconded and unanimously approved.  The 4/5/06 meeting minutes were also reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

DIMOVICH NOI SE 12 - 510; AP 12-42:  Mr. Steves opened the continued public hearing at 12:00 Noon and explained that this application is being heard under the Commonwealth’s Riverfront Area Act 310 CMR 10.58 and cited page 400 of the Act.  Mr. Sourati summarized a revised plan dated 4/11/06 that had a different location for the proposed driveway.  He continued that this lot was not a part of the 1985 Tiasquam River Sub-division.  The parcel is a pre-existing, non-conforming buildable lot that has no legal access along Hewing Field Way.  The well is placed in the riverfront area because this is the only location that meets the required Board of Health setbacks.  He summarized that the well location, the driveway and the buried water and electric lines are the only aspects of the project that are in the Conservation Commission’s jurisdiction.

Mr. Sourati outlined two possible designs for the driveway.  The preferred method is crushed stone with west sloping drainage ditches that divert water runoff into the woods.  The Commission agreed with this recommendation and suggested adding a water bump at the edge of Middle Road and dry wells to add more control of the water runoff.  Mr. Sourati agreed.  

The meeting was opened to the audience.  Ellen Kaplan, attorney for the abutters, pointed out the area is mapped under the NHESP and asked if the Commission had received a response from the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.  A letter had not yet been received.  

Mrs. Keohane commented that the Hewing Field Road Association is against adding another driveway off of Hewing Field Way.  The Association is trying to raise funds to buy this lot and preserve it’s natural wooded state.  Mr. Osnoss commented that he hoped the community could work out the right type of access to this lot.

After further discussion the Commission mentioned that it does not want to vote on the application until it receives the correspondence from the Division of Fisheries.  The applicant requested a continuation to April 26, 2006 @ 1:30 PM.  A motion to accept the request was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

ADMINISTRATION:  The required signatures with notary were made for the Molinari Order of Conditions: SE 12 – 502, AP 30-115, 116.1.

DISCUSSION:  The Commission agreed that future floating pier applications should include a measurement of the mean low water depth under the pier.  A minimum of two feet of separation should exist between the bottom of the floating pier and the sea floor at all times.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson; C.A.S.